
I was just watching one of those old-testament movies I so enjoyed as a child and which probably helped cement my faith back then. And I was wondering, why is “God” so insecure that he needs to have people worship Him and only Him, so much so that He tries to “buy” people to do so by promising eternal happiness and so on (you know, that stuff he hasn’t been able to deliver on earth so far) and threaten them with eternal doom if they don’t obey? I mean, if he is God the Father, what kind of bad parenting skills are those?

1 Comment

  1. Flora

    As a God-believing Christian, I don’t believe that God is trying to BUY people. He already owns us. As our Creator, he went out of HIS way to be a good father by sending us HIs Son to die on the cross so that he could save US! Like a good parent, he was willing to sacrifice his child. He does promise eternal life to those who believe and accept Jesus Christ. God needs us to worship Him and only HIm not because he’s “insecure” but because he’s IS the only real God. For example, if your daughter does something bad and you correct her, but then she gets mad at you, she might then decide that she loves all of her friends’ mothers instead. What if your daughter then went to all of her friends’ houses and only cared about tehm and not you anymore, especially if you knew those mothers were terrible people? Would you appreciate that? Probably not. God doesn’t threaten us with eternal doom if we don’t obey; he threatens us with eternal doom is we don’t believe and accept the free gift that He ALREADY gave us (Jesus). God’s givng us a present; nothing else. We don’t have to be extremely good people and try to work our way to heaven. Jesus already died for our sins.
    I hope you don’t just write me off as some kind of weirdo. I’m actually a graduate of Castro Valley High, and go to a church in San Leandro, and currently, I’m attending UC Berkeley. Your blog is amusing though – thanks for the thoughts!

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