Sometimes the Wall Street Journal can steer you in the right direction, as it has today by recomending Rollyo, a website that allows you to create your own customized search engine. Basically, you can enter a list of websites where you want Rollyo to search and it will save that list in its own URL so you can use it over and over. You can also add it to your browser search bar.
Usually I wouldn’t be so excited about that. In most instances when I search for something, I want to search the whole web. HOWEVER, when I’m doing pages for the disappeared for Project Disappeared, I often want to search a limited number of sites, those I know that have information about the disappeared. Now I can without having to do it one by one. Tres cool.
Here is my disappeared search page:
you can try it out by typing a person’s name.
You can also put a search box in your own website (see below to the left). This is useful for those of us who have many different domain names, now you can search on all my domain names at once.