The documents on the detainees at Guantanamo released by the Pentagon last week show that many prisoners were detained on extremely flimsy grounds. Some, for example, were detained because they wore a very cheap style of Casio watches that terrorist have used to detonate bombs. But the watches are extremely popular and worn by thousands of Afghanis exactly because they are very cheap. It’s as if a person was arrested for having a cell phone, wearing jeans or drinking water – because terrorists do that too. If it wasn’t so tragic that so many people have lost so many years of their lives, their families, their sanity, their health and so much more – not to be mentioned had to endured torture and degrading treatment, the situation would almost be funny. You have to wonder whether the US forces are really that stupid as to believe that wearing a certain type of watch means you are a terrorist – and if so, no wonder we not only lost the war in Iraq but have pushed the country into civil war – or if they are just perverse, torturing people for the hell of it.
But anyway, now you too can become an object of suspicion by the US Government. You can buy one of those watches here. But be careful, you might find yourself in Guantanamo really soon.
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