I’ve been thinking of making another lotion for a while, but I felt I needed a clean house and kitchen first, so I kept putting it of. Finally, today, I managed – for a very brief moment – to have a house reasonably tidy and a clean and free counter – so I figured I’d indulge myself and give my lotion-making another go.
I wanted to try a recipe for hand cream – because my hands are pretty dry, all in all, and I don’t actually have any hand cream (as opposed to body lotion, face cream and foot cream). After an extensive search online, I chose this one because it had ingredients I had at home AND because the fact that it listed ingredients by weight made me think it was more serious than most of the other recipes I find online. Apparently serious lotion-makers use weights, not volumes.
The recipe was fairly easy to make and, most importantly, it worked – that is to say, when I finished I had a lotion. But I was disappointed in finding it too thin – just as thin as the regular lotion I made the first time around. Taking another look at the ingredients, which seem to be in similar proportions as those of the first recipe, suggests why.
The lotion itself feels more oily than the first lotion I made, but only slightly so. It does seem to take more time to dry/be absorbed and I think it’s too oily to be used as hand lotion. But I see no reason to not use it as a body lotion instead.
Meanwhile I’ll be looking for another hand cream recipe – if anyone knows of a good one, let me know.