Yesterday I got a couple of junior backpacks that I’d ordered from a while ago. They were $5 each (+shipping) and I couldn’t let the deal go. Today Camila and I started decorating hers, and this evening Mika joined up. Alas, now that her backpack is all done, she’s mortified that the children at school will think she is weird for having decorated it. *sigh*
Anyway, here are their works of art. We used shells and pearls from the jewelry bag I got at the flea market a week ago, and wood letters, ribbons, feathers and flowers that we got from freecycle. We used regular glue and E6000 Jewelry Adhesive, which was recommended to me as a “glue everything” glue. I hope the decorations won’t fall š
Camila’s Backpack
Mika’s Backpack
*Update*. Mika did take her newly decorated backpack to school the next day, and the kids liked it. So now she’s happy to take it every day.
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