The Crafty Diva’s D.I.Y. Stylebook: A Grrrl’s Guide to Cool Creations You Can Make, Show Off, and Share
is the lattest – and last – craft book that I got. It arrived yesterday and at first glace I wasn’t too happy with it. Most of the projects required buying pre-made items and decorating them – which could be expensive and doesn’t require as much crafting as I’d like. For example, instructions for a “powder puff fluff” involve buying white baby powder, putting it in a jar and decorating the jar and brush. Not too exciting.
But I looked at it more carefully today, going through the book and making a list of the crafts I want to do, and I found a surprisingly large number of these – about 12. Yes, some just involve decorating an item I have or can buy (e.g. making a treasure box by covering a wooden box with fabric & decorating it – I hadn’t thought of the fabric part, and I think these can make very good boxes for the jewelry we are going to make as Xmas gifts). But others are a bit more involved and interesting: making photo key chains, a “charades in a can” game and a pant leg purse (great idea, as Mika’s jeans are pretty much disintegrating). Alas, for most of these projects I will have to buy stuff. But hey, as long as we do stuff together, right? š
As for today, they’re having a playdate at home and I think I’ll finally try making “quicksand” – a mixture of cornstarch and water that seems solid when you quickly and forcibly press on it, but becomes viscous if you slowly introduce your finger in it. Very cool. I may also try to make sculpting dough from water – though I’m somewhat doubtful that will work.
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