“Milk bread”. Gladys used to buy it on a panadería in Calle 12, a few blocks from her house. I can still smell it, so fresh, perhaps even warm from the oven. For Granny she bought pan de centeno, rye bread. It was dark and much less appealing. We ate the toasted bread with butter and strawberry jam with tea – it was so good.
My parents ought sliced bread, much cheaper and easier. I still remember the brand, Fargo, a little more expensive but softer. I sort of remember the plastic bag it came in – different from the ones now. I don’t remember how it tasted, but it was great in dulce de leche sandwiches. BTW, there are few things more delicious than bread with butter and dulce de leche – at least with Argentine butter.
I don’t remember if Gladys was still buying that bread when we visited her in 2003 and 2005-6. I don’t even remember going alone to the bakery to buy it – I barely remember the bakery at all. But the bread, that I remember.
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