We got the Cranium Big Book of Outrageous Fun!: The Write-It, Draw-It, Sculpt-It, Act-It Game-in-a-Book-in-a-Game!
at Thriftown (I think) quite a long time ago. I think we paid less than $5 and the book/game was unused and complete. Once again, a great deal.
For one reason or another we hadn’t opened it until yesterday, and I was surprised at how fun the book was. It has a bunch of activities for reading-age kids as well as a game than anyone can play. Mika had a great time with a pizza challenge: unscrambling words, putting them in a crossword matrix and then making the objects out of clay. Camila and I played the game, in which we had to act up words, make each other guess or make figures out of clay, and she loved it too. There are many more activities, and you write on the book with an erasable marker, so more than one child can use it.
The only minus, for me, is that the book, game pieces and game board are all attached, which makes it quite a bit clumsy to use. Perhaps for that reason it didn’t sell well (it’s not available from Amazon.com itself, so I assume that it’s out of print). On the plus side, you can get it new fromAmazon.com venderos for just $11 including shipping, and the book is quite worth it.
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