For the last couple of months I’ve been looking to buy a thermometer and an oximeter to have on hand in case any of us developed symptoms of Coronavirus. Somehow, the only thermometer we had at home was a cheap one from Walgreens that gave what were clearly faulty readings (no, we don’t all have temperatures in the 95-96 ranges). But finding either at a regular store or was impossible, though I kept checking from time to time.
I finally decided to take the plunge and order these from online sites I’ve never hard of – figuring that if I didn’t get them, I could always make a claim with my credit card. I’m happy to announce that they arrived quickly and without problems.
The oximeter I bought is the FL350 Fingertip Pulse Oximeter from It was $44, and it’s also available at Amazon, where it gets almost 5 stars, but it’s currently unavailable. After doing some internet research I found out that is actually owned by FaceLake, the company that manufactures these (or imports them and puts their name on it, as is so often the case these days).
In any case, it arrived (four days after I ordered it, via USPS), and so far it seems to work. Of course, I have nothing to compare it with, and none of us have other symptoms, but at least the pulse reader seems accurate.
I ordered the thermometer from iProven, a company that also sells oximeters. I got the “Best Digital Medical Thermometer – Easy, Accurate, Fast Oral & Rectal Thermometer – DTR-1221A“. It looks just like any of the cheap oral thermometers out there, but as it was $25 I’m hoping it will be better. I can already confirm that it has a flexible tip and it is very fast. It did take a full week to arrive, however, via USPS.
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