A couple of days ago, I placed an add in the San Leandro Freecycle group looking for craft supplies. Now that the girls and I are crafting so much, supplies are running out quick. For those of you who don’t know freecycle, it’s basically a mailing list through which you give away the stuff you no longer need/want and get stuff from others who are in the same situation. You pretty much can give away anything through freecycle, I’ve seen half-empty bottles of shampoo being taken, though that’s not been the case for some of my stuff. C’est la vie.
You can also request items in freecycle, and my posting for craft supplies was answered by two great ladies who gave us very cool scrapbooking and general craft items. I want to thank them both very much here – I know the girls and I will have a great time with the material we got.
And hey, if you read this and have extra craft supplies there around, we’d love to get it š
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