Our craft for yesterday and today has been making greeting cards. I’ve been thinking about making them for a while, but I was finally prompted by the card project in The Crafty Diva’s D.I.Y. Stylebook. Of course, decorating greeting cards is very easy – the ideas that I got from the book were to use cards that we had around, instead of creating them out of hard paper, and make a little raised area in the front, by pasting colored paper on thick (or doubled-up) cardboard and then decorating with a sticker. I think it looks quite nice.
The cards I used were those I got from a stationary set I got at Costco many years ago. The set came in a beautiful wooden box, which I want to use for other stuff anyway. I still have the letter paper, however, and it’s a mystery what I’m going to do with it (maybe freecycle?).
In any case, the kids weren’t as excited about the raised-surface idea and they decorated the cards as they wished. Below is a picture of their (and my) creations:
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