I’m turning 40 tomorrow and until recently I never really used lotions or creams. My mother, a devotee of oil of olay, kept giving me bottles and jars of different beauty concoctions. But until a couple of years ago, I had very good skin plus I didn’t really believe lotions could make any difference. That may have been a stupid opinion, given that people have been using oils and salves from time immemorial, but it wasn’t a subject to which I gave a lot of thought.
Then, a couple of weeks ago, I decided to start making lotions, just for fun, so I decided that I needed to start using what I had. I still have tons of bottles of lotion my mother has given me, some of which smell quite good, plus the lavender lotion I made, and a couple other things I’d bought. So for three weeks I’ve been using:
-A combination of the lavender lotion I made and Avon Skin So Soft Body Souffle on my arms and upper chest area (what is exposed when wearing t-shirts). I’ve grown to really like the lotion I made, despite the fact that lavender is not my favorite scent (it’s my mother’s, though, and I originally made it for her). It’s very refreshing when I put it on, and it dries up quite quickly. I absolutely love the body souffle. It’s so light and easy to spread and it has a wonderful scent. I didn’t find it in the current online Avon Catalog, but that’s just an incentive to try to make my own. Alas, I haven’t really found any recipes for body souffle online – though I’ll try to see if those for whipped butters are similar. As I keep the lavender lotion on my desk, I’ve been using it several times a day, when the mood strikes me 🙂
–L’Oreal Dermo-Expertise Age Perfect Day Cream for Mature Skin for my face. I’m not as crazy about this lotion, it’s rather thick and creamy and takes more effort to apply – but my mother gave it to me so I’m going to use it up 🙂
–Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunblock, SPF-55 when I go walking. This sunscreen is very thick and even more annoying to apply, but it doesn’t have that horrible intense coconut smell of most sunscreens.
And at night:
–Grateful Body Facial Cleanser (which also doesn’t seem to be in their catalog any more), to wash my face. It’s very light and made all of natural products. It doesn’t seem to have any preservatives, which worries me a little.
-A homemade toner made from home made rose-water and witch hazel. I’ve ran out of this now, so I’ll need to make another one.
-A homemade eye wrinkle “cream” made of lanolin, sweet almond oil and honey.
-Kirkland (Costco) night cream and eye cream.
Now for the results. My arms have really become very soft. Mike touched them today and he could really appreciate the difference.
My face skin is also improving. It had been great until a few years ago when I started walking a couple of miles each way to pick up my daughter at day care. I wasn’t very good at using sunscreen, and my face became not only tan, but blotchy, reddish (specially my nose!) and coarse. I’m spending less time in the sun now and I think all the lotions are also helping making my face improve. It’s becoming less blotchy and it’s also much softer. In the last few years I’ve also developed quite a few whiteheads, and I started using some Retin A on them. Several have disappeared already, but when I use it, it reddens my skin as well.
And finally, my eyes. As most 40-year olds I’ve developed wrinkles around my eyes. I imagine that eye cream helps stop the development of new wrinkles, rather than treating the old ones, and whether that works or not cannot be judged in the space of 3 weeks. That said, the area under my eyes seems very soft, too soft. Now, I don’t know if this is due to the oil or cream I’ve been using, or whether it’s always been like that. In any case, I’m wondering if I should discontinue using them.
Well, this is it for this very frivolous posting 🙂
Category: Cosmetics (Page 8 of 10)
A few weeks ago, when Kathy was here, I made lotion for the first time. I enjoyed doing it, so I decided I’d really like to make other beauty products. I don’t have any hand cream, and my night face cream is running out, so I’d like to make some of that. The problem? I can’t find recipes that include preservatives! I don’t understand why – emulsions of oil and water go bad quickly, and even in the refrigerator they don’t last more than a week or so. I’m definitely not going to use up even a cup of lotion in a week. I’ve also checked out several books on making cosmetics out of the library, but they are no better. What does everyone else do? Make this cosmetics without preservatives and use them up quickly? Do they not go bad as quickly as some of the literature say? Should I just take a regular recipe and add .5-1% of phenonip (the preservative I have)? I think I may try the latter.
The other problem is that I don’t have where to put the lotions. The kit I bought came with 12 4-oz bottles, but I used almost half of them with my first batch. Buying bottles online is ridiculously expensive. I did find these very cute jars at Michael’s, for $1 each. So far I think that’s the best I’ll be able to do – but it does add to the price of the lotion a lot – specially when my plan is to give away the lotion (though the kids may try to sell some).
anyway, those are my complaints for the day – pretty frivolous, I know 🙂
So I’m continuing with my obsession for cosmetic making. Not because I necessarily use cosmetics (though I’m starting), but just because it’s fun.
In the last few days I’ve made:
-A facial toner (combining homemade rose water with witch hazel) – I’ve no idea how a toner is supposed to work, so I can’t say how well it actually works 🙂
–Eye wrinkle “cream” – for this I melted together 2 Tbsp. of lanolin and 2 Tbsp. of sweet almond oil and combined it with 1/2 tsp. honey. Will it work? Only time will tell.
–Body spray – I combined 1/3 cup distilled water with 1 tsp. witch hazel and added some essential oils. As it turned out too much as now I stink of jazmin 🙂 It’s just really hot, and I wanted something I could spray on my skin to refresh it.
–Hand cream – this was a combination of coconut oil, sweet almond oil and emulsifying wax, combined with water and essential oils. Alas, it didn’t emulsify (don’t know why), so it was a waste 🙁 It’s a pity because with this heat and dryness I could really use a hand cream.
Update – Well, it seems that the reason why the hand cream did not come out is that instead of using the emulsifying wax I used the stearic acid. They do look pretty similar and I can be a real idiot. Live and learn.
What’s next? I think I’ll try to make a hand lotion again – and I need a foot spray as well. But that means I need to buy more spray bottles 🙂
I checked out The Girls’ World Book of Bath & Beauty: Fresh Ideas & Fun Recipes for Hair, Skin, Nails & More
from the library because I wanted to get more recipes for home made beauty products which I could make with my daughters. The book presents many ideas of how to make home made cosmetics. It’s thorough, with recipes for hair shampoos and feet scrubs, and everything in between. The pictures of the girls are beautiful and even empowering. BUT… most of the recipes require ingredients that are relatively expensive and somewhat difficult to find (borax, glycerin, vitamin E, special oils, essential oils, etc.). You’d have to spend a lot of money to make all the recipes in the book (or even a few of them). So I think it’d be sort of a white elephant gift to give to a girl. That said, if I had the products at hand, I think we’d really enjoy it.
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