Salon’s Andrew Leonard writes on his blog of how the take over of the American ports by a UAE state-owned company came to be. Apparently there has been a lot of consolidation in the unsexy world of port opprations, and who runs a port is ultimately not that big a deal.
Perhaps, but it’s interesting that the UAE company has such strong ties to the Bush Family, and had previously bought the company ran by current Treasury Secretary John Snow.
How the World Works
Category: Opinions (Page 11 of 11)
Nope, having a gazillon blogs wasn’t enough. I had to create another one. The Human Rights Blog ( will be about, well, human rights. News, actions, announcements but also my own and uncensored views about just what’s wrong on the world. Check it out (though you may want to wait a couple of days until there is some content).
I was just watching one of those old-testament movies I so enjoyed as a child and which probably helped cement my faith back then. And I was wondering, why is “God” so insecure that he needs to have people worship Him and only Him, so much so that He tries to “buy” people to do so by promising eternal happiness and so on (you know, that stuff he hasn’t been able to deliver on earth so far) and threaten them with eternal doom if they don’t obey? I mean, if he is God the Father, what kind of bad parenting skills are those?
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