Category: The Absurd (Page 6 of 12)

Need to stamp your terrorist credentials? Look no further than West Point

maqdisi.jpgThe NYT reports today that Radical Islamic theorist Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi is being dissed by younger jihadists who accuse him of being soft. His solution? Invoking the publications of the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, which name him as a dangerous and influential jihadi theorist.
Apparently, invoking the reports of western terrorist experts is a common way to get some street cred among the jihadist crowd. al-Maqdisi, however, complains that his western critics understand him better than his supposed followers.
“I am surprised at the low level of their thinking,” Mr. Maqdisi wrote of his critics, “and how the enemies of religion read and understand us better than they do.”
But seriously speaking, al-Maqdisi’s complaint is easy to understand. It’s easier for an academic or theorist to understand the implications of what another theorist is saying than for the “common man” – i.e. someone who joins a group or an ideology, most often out of instinct and without thinking about it. Indeed, I can sympathize with al-Maqdisi’s frustrations. Most people who support torture, for example, or a lack of protection to minority rights, have not thought out how such practices impact upon a democratic system of government, corrupting it and making it less stable. And chances are they won’t think about it either – it takes work to think.
Anyway, read the article at

A bat in space

Space shuttle bat
ABC News reports today, that a tiny bat may have hitched a ride on the space shuttle Discovery, which was headed to the international space station. The bat was seen clinging to the external fuel tank of the shuttle as it lifted off. Did he wake up and fly away? Did he end up somewhere in space? Let’s hope for the best 🙂

Search Engine Placement Spammers

Given that my e-mail address is plastered on hundreds, if not thousands, of pages all over the internet – it’s no surprise that I get a lot of spam (despite Mike’s heroic attempts to filter them at the fire wall). I’ve written before at the amusing Nigerian scams that claim they will help you recover the money you’ve lost through other Nigerian scams. Fortunately I haven’t gotten too many of those recently. But what I always get, and never fails to amuse me, are the spams offering to place my website among the top of Google searches. If it’s so buried in there, how did they find it in the first place?

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