I wrote about the Scientific Explorer’s Spa Science Chemistry Kit
before, but in this post I wanted to list the contents as they are so difficult to find anywhere else online.
They are:
4 oz baking soda
5 oz oats
10.5 oz sea salt
1 oz citric acid
.5 oz lavender essential oil
.5 oz peppermint essential oil
.5 oz dried roses
1 very small glycerin soap bar
1 small muslin bag
2 pipettes
2 plastic cups
1 test tube and cap
And, of course, the instructions.
Other than the instructions you pretty much can find everything you need to make the recipes at home, and indeed, for many of the recipes, you will need to use additional ingredients from home.
All that said, essential oils are quite expensive ($10-$20 oz), so if you consider that, the kit is not a bad deal.
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