We’ve had Indy, our new gatito, for a week now, and I have to say that we lucked out. No, he isn’t the cutest gatito in the world, and actually he looks more like a very small cat than a kitten (perhaps that’s why I call him gatito, but I called Syria and Jordan that when they were small as well). But he has the best personality.
First, he’s very affectionate. He loves to cuddle and be petted. As I write, he’s lying on my arm, watching my computer screen. He doesn’t mind lying in my arms with his belly up, which I very much enjoy. If what you want is a gatito to cuddle with, Indy is as good as they come.
Second, he’s very gentle and tolerant. The kids can be less than careful with him, often holding him when he doesn’t want to be held, in ways he doesn’t want to be held – but he just stays there or gently tries to get away. He hasn’t at any point shown any aggression towards us (or towards Syria or anyone else). Yeah, we’ve all gotten a couple of scratches here and there – and yesterday he bit my boob (I think he was trying to nurse!), but many less that we probably deserved. Even when you drop him or he jumps on top of someone else, he doesn’t put his claws out.
Third, he’s very playful and curious. Yes, that’s what you would expect with a kitten – but I’d forgotten just how playful and curious kittens are. He has figured out how to get everywhere, and I’ve found him in the drier, in the fireplace, inside the cabinet where I keep the pots, etc. etc. Of course, that’s annoying because I don’t want him in those places, but it’s cool that he wants to explore.
Fourth, he has finally won Syria over. It took almost a week, but he succeeded. At first, Syria would growl and hiss at him, sometimes for minutes at the time. But he kept pursing her, approaching her and making it clear that he wanted to play with her. Syria is beyond the age where she wants to play, but she figured out that the gatito wasn’t any threat, and now the two seem to get along. What’s funny is that the gatito seems dominant over the food. Of course, Syria wants to eat from the gatito’s dish because kitten food is probably tastier – but she won’t force him out.
Fifth, he doesn’t pee or poop outside the litter box 🙂
I’m sure that he has a lot of other good qualities, but his gentleness and affectionate nature are probably the most important ones 🙂
Update. Here are a couple of pictures I took today (8/17) of Indy:
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