I just came back from the flea market, and I have to say that I scored! I got 4 activity kits for just $4.50 (and a package of 8 1/2 x 11 mailing envelopes for 50c more).
The kids’ favorite so far is a color tattoo booklet which comes with a couple of hundred beautiful temporary tattoos (lots of colorful hearts and flowers). Camila has already put on six and I don’t think she has any intention of stopping anytime soon. I have ended up with one on my arm as well.
Then I got an Alex Magic Color Sand kit (it must be an old one as I can’t find it online). As far as I can tell, it’s all complete and unused. It has four containers of “magic” sand, which apparently changes color when mixed with water, and ten molds to make color sand shapes that will harden overnight. Sounds like a fun project and the kids are eager to try it.
I also got a Wacky Window Art!: Book & Kit. It has been used, I guess we’ll have to see how much of the window paint is there (and not dry) – but the stencils and instruction book are there.
Finally, I got an Alex My Scrapbook kit
. It was very lightly used. A little girl named Ava personalized the front cover, but it’s simple enough to remove her cover. It came with most of what the original set came with, minus the glue, glue pen and glitter glue. I’d been thinking of buying that kit for a while (though later I decided to go with the Totally Me! – It’s A Girls Life Scrapbook Kit from Toys R’ Us, which is clearly a much better deal than the Alex one), and you can imagine my pleasure at finding it for $2!
Not all that I found was for the girls. I got myself two cups of tea, sans their saucers, but I can’t complain for $1 each.
Se ven iguales a las que trajeron de Argentina. Si encontras mas, compralas todas y te haces un juego. Lo de los platitos no importa mucho, con una servilleta se soluciona o con cualquier plato.