Category: Opinions (Page 2 of 11)

Coronavirus Blackmail Scam

If you ever look through your spam folder, chances are you’ve come across messages from wannabe blackmailers. These usually include some password you’ve used in the past, and than an ominous message threatening all sorts of things if you don’t send them some money in bitcoin or another virtual currency. The blackmailers/scammers usually purchase lists of passwords that have been compromised when some big site was hacked (one reason you should use different passwords for all your accounts). They don’t actually have any dirt on you, they don’t control your computer, and they can’t carry out their threats – indeed, most of them are probably in Nigeria or another scam-central country. So you can safely ignore these e-mails.

In the latest version of this blackmail spam, blackmailers are going all in on coronavirus, threatening it to give it to you and your family if you don’t send them money. I guess it’s a sign of the times.

This is the last e-mail I got from them. What’s funny, is that if they do follow me on social media, they probably are aware of everything they claim (except my passwords). How fun for them!
Mar 20, 2020, 1:03 AM (4 days ago)

 to marga

Ι kηοw every dιrτy lιttle secret αbοuτ your life. Tο ρrove my poιnτ, τell me, dοes "xxxxx" riηg αηy bell το yοu? Iτ was οne οf yοur ρasswοrds.

Whατ dο I kηow abouτ yοu?
Tο sταrτ wiτh, Ι kηοw αll οf your pαsswords. Ι am αwαre οf your whereabοuts, whαt you eat, wιth whοm you tαlκ, every lιtτle τhiηg you do in a day.

Whατ am Ι cαpable of doιng?
If Ι wαητ, I cοuld even infect yοur whοle famιly wιth τhe CοronaVιrus, reνeαl all οf yοur secreτs. There αre cοuητless τhιηgs Ι cαη dο.

Whaτ shοuld yοu dο?
You ηeed το pay me $4000. Yοu'll maκe τhe ρayment vιa Βitcoiη to τhe belοw-mentioηed αddress. Ιf yοu doη't knοw how to dο this, search "how τo buy bitcοin" ιη Goοgle.

Βitcοιη Address:
(Ιτ ιs cAsE seηsitιve, so cορy αηd paste ιτ)

You haνe 24 hοurs το mακe the ραyment. I haνe a unique ριxel wiτhιn thιs emαil messαge, and rιghτ ηow, I knοw thaτ yοu hαve reαd this emαil.

Ιf Ι do not get τhe paymeητ:
I will infect every member οf your fαmily wiτh τhe CοroηαVιrus. Nο mαττer how smαrt yοu are, belieνe me, if Ι wαnτ το αffecτ, Ι cαη. Ι will αlso gο αheαd aηd reveal your secrets. I will comρletely ruin yοur life.

Noηeτheless, if I dο get ρaιd, I will erase eνery liττle iηformaτιon I hαve αbοut you ιmmedιαtely. You wιll ηever hear from me αgαiη. Ιτ ιs α ηοn-ηegοtiable οffer, sο dοn't wαsτe my time and yours by reρlyιng tο thιs emαιl.


For Alameda County DA Nancy O’Malley, the life of Latina teens is worth $10,000 – payable to her

Image may contain: 1 person, closeup and indoor

(En español a continuación)

The first photo is that of my daughter.  She is a bright and happy 16-year old Latina girl who is the light of my life.

The second photo is Elena Mondragon, a bright and happy 16 yo Latina girl who was shot to death by Fremont police, while she was riding as a passenger in a car they were pursuing.

Image result for Elena Mondragon

Fremont police gave Alameda County DA Nancy O’Malley a $10,000 campaign contribution and O’Malley promptly decided that Elena’s killing was justified. That, for O’Malley, is how much the life of a Latina girl is worth, payable to her.

Who will be next? With a DA who will not prosecute police killings as she fills her pockets with campaign contributions from killer cops, are any of our children safe? Over a hundred community members have been killed by law enforcement officers in Alameda County since O’Malley has been DA. Not a single one was prosecuted.

Please, if you live in Alameda County, vote for Pamela Price​ for DA. I don’t care if it’s the only vote you cast. For our children’s sake, don’t let a racist, human rights violating DA stay in office!

(Note: if you want other voting recommendations, check out this guide for Alameda County and this guide for elsewhere in California – but whatever you do, please vote for Pamela Price and ask your friends in Alameda County to do the same)

La primera foto es la de mi hija, Michaela.  Tiene 16 años, muchos sueños y muchas esperanzas.  Es la luz de mi vida.

La segunda foto es la de Elena Mondragon, quien tenía también 16 años, muchos sueños y esperanzas el año pasado, cuando fue acribillada por la policía de la ciudad de Fremont.  Iba como pasajera en un auto que la policía decidió perseguir.

Los policías de Fremont le dieron una contribución de $10,000 a la campaña de Nancy O’Malley, la fiscal del condado de Alameda.  Poco después, O’Malley decidió que el asesinato de Elena estaba justificado.  Diez mil dólares en su bolsillo es lo que la vida de una jovencita Latina le vale a Nancy O’Malley.

Cual de nuestras hijas o hijos será el próximo? O’Malley no ha perseguido a ninguno de los policías que mató a miembros de nuestra comunidad – sin embargo ha tomado decenas de miles de dólares en contribuciones de los sindicatos de policías.

Si Ud. vive en el condado de Alameda, por favor vótele a  Pamela Price​ para Fiscal del Distrito.  Por la vida de nuestros hijos e hijas, no deje que una fiscal racista y violadora de los derechos humanos siga en su puesto.

Y por favor comparta esta nota con todos sus amigos.



Free Advice to Hillary Clinton on How to Attract Sanders’ Supporters


To the consternation of many of his supporters, Bernie Sanders endorsed Clinton last Tuesday. While many Berners understand why Sanders’ needed to do so and are supportive of his Plan B, they are not willing to vote for Clinton. A new poll shows that only 39% of millennial Sanders supporters will vote for Clinton, and the percentage is only a little higher among Sanders supporters of all ages.

Clinton’s national poll numbers reflect that. The fact that most American voters would prefer Trump or a Giant Meteor to land and destroy America over Clinton becoming President, should give her pause.

So here is some free advice for Hillary Clinton on how she can actually convince Bernie supporters to vote for her:

Defeat the TPP

Right now, Sanders supporters are coalescing on their opposition to the TPP.  They know that Clinton supports it – she manifested her support by blocking any negative references to the TPP from appearing in the Democratic platform – and they will not vote for a President that supports doing away with labor, environmental and human rights protections through the backdoor that the TPP represents.

We all know that the current plan is that Obama will push the TPP through the lame duck session of Congress. If Clinton wants Berners’ votes, she will have to convince all Democratic Senators and Congressmembers that are planning to vote for it and who, coincidentally, are also her superdelegates, to change their positions.

If she doesn’t have the political pull to do this, then there is no reason to believe that she would honor any of the progressive planks in the new Democratic platform. Sanders’ supporters are not stupid.

Swear off militarism

Clinton is a hawk who has supported wars and coups d’etat.  She considers Henry Kissinger – a man who is responsible for committing crimes against humanity – a friend and advisor. She fought to keep a threat to militarily attack Iran in the Democratic platform. To anyone concerned with peace and human rights, the prospects of a Clinton presidency is even scarier than a Trump presidency.

If she wants those votes, she needs to give up on her militaristic impulses and swear off to war and military interventions abroad.

Detangle herself from Wall Street

Berners know that Clinton has made a devil’s bargain with Wall Street: they fill her pockets, she fights for their interests. If she wants Berners’ votes she needs to be willing to break that bargain. First, of course, she will need to acknowledge it and she will need to release the transcripts of her speeches. Then, she’ll need to say that despite their money, she will turn back on them and do what’s best for the American people.

As with TPP, part of the allure of Donald Trump is that he is actually willing to go back on his word and betray anyone he’s made a deal with – while that surely includes voters, Clinton seems to only be willing to betray voters, and keep her word to her big contributors. She needs to change that perception.

Choose a progressive VP

If she chooses Tim Kaine, it’s a nonstarter. A progressive VP will at least give hopes to Berners that there will be someone in the ticket to keep her accountable.

The author, Margarita Lacabe, is a Sanders delegate from California to the Democratic National Convention.

In the United States, even the Vice President’s Family is Not Safe from Financial Ruin

This story by Vice President Biden reflects, better than anything, what the American Dream has become and why we need the changes Bernie Sanders is talking about.

When Biden’s son was sick, he realized that he might not be able to continue working as Delaware’s Attorney General. But as it is with most middle class families, even those making relatively good salaries, they didn’t have enough money to live off if he had to resign. So the Vice-President and his wife talked about it and decided to sell their house if it came to it.

Now, the story as it’s reported is of how President Obama stepped in and offered to help financially.  The real story, however, is that we live in a country where even the family of the Vice-President of the United States is an illness away from financial ruin.  

This is not the country we should live in.

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