Category: Politics (Page 1 of 2)

Articles You Should Read

I’m posting them here so I can find them and refer to them over and over and over.


The Best Article Ever

How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind

Read this article. Then re-read it. Whenever you wonder why the right wing does something crazy, read it again.


Peer Review of “COVID-19 Antibody Seroprevalence in Santa Clara County, California”

The study is a total mess.

Antibody Tests For Coronavirus Can Miss The Mark

Why a test that is 95% accurate, can actually have an 80% failure rate.

Articles worth reading and re-reading

I often come across articles that I later want to share with people but can’t find, so I’ve decided to start posting them here so I know where to look.  I expect the list will get long. I’ll bold the most important ones.

Articles I want to read

The Supermanegerial Reich

Articles I’ve read and liked

National Politics

Russiagate is a Ruling Class Diversion
A very good analysis of what the real class/policy divisions are in this country, from an African-American perspective.

I Went Undercover In The Alt-Right
Video. Worth watching.

How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind
A great explanation of America’s urban-rural divide written before the 2016 election. I keep re-reading it.  Other stuff by David Wong is also good.


Paul Ehrlich: ‘Collapse of civilisation is a near certainty within decades’
Interview with the author of The Population Bomb, and my husband’s former professor at Cal.


The Curious Case of the Backchannel Notebook: An Oakland City Council Mystery
Lobbyist’s notes left behind

On Putin, Trump and the Democratic Establishment: The Enemy of Your Enemy is Not Your Friend

It’s time for us in the left to recognize that the enemy of our enemy is not our friend. We are very clear on our opposition to US militarism and imperialism abroad, a policy that has been pursued by almost every president in the post-war period (Carter may be excluded, but I hear he’s been terrible on Haiti). But we need to be as clear in our condemnation of militaristic and imperialistic actions by other world leaders – starting with Putin.

Putin is not our friend. He has worked hard to turn Russia into a dictatorship, jailing and killing political opponents. Unable to strengthen Russia, he has concentrated in weakening Europe and the United States by exploiting the rise of nationalistic/xenophobic feelings that have hit Europe and the US in response to increased globalization and wealth inequality. He has been supporting far right parties and movements (including the people who want to have California seceed) and I have no doubt that Mueller’s allegations of Russian interference in the US election are true – researchers have reported Putin using the same techniques in Eastern European elections.

The fact that Putin tried to influence American elections (and I think he tried to influence only inasmuch as increasing divisions, not necessarily electing Trump) does not mean, of course, that Russia is the reason behind Trump’s win. That lies directly on Clinton and her elitist disregard for anyone who relies on a paycheck to pay the bills. In this, Russia reminds me of the LAPD during the OJ Simpson case: they tried to frame a guilty man. Trump was elected despite Russia, not because of it.

But Trump got elected nonetheless, and it seems that Putin has something on him. I have no way of guessing what that is – but I know that Trump has a history of blackmailing people, which makes him the ideal target of blackmail himself. He understands the game. His agreement to a solo meeting with Putin and his conduct after getting out of that meeting does not allow for any other explanation. I don’t know what it is that Putin has – but I don’t think it’s a simply a pee tape. It’s something which he knows he cannot spin his way out of. It’s something big.

I can’t believe I’m going to say this but: I hope our intelligence sources have it to and if so that they release it immediately. We cannot have a President that is a puppet for Putin.

I have not supported talk of impeachment before this. But I think that Trump presents a clear and present danger to the United States.

Free Advice to Hillary Clinton on How to Attract Sanders’ Supporters


To the consternation of many of his supporters, Bernie Sanders endorsed Clinton last Tuesday. While many Berners understand why Sanders’ needed to do so and are supportive of his Plan B, they are not willing to vote for Clinton. A new poll shows that only 39% of millennial Sanders supporters will vote for Clinton, and the percentage is only a little higher among Sanders supporters of all ages.

Clinton’s national poll numbers reflect that. The fact that most American voters would prefer Trump or a Giant Meteor to land and destroy America over Clinton becoming President, should give her pause.

So here is some free advice for Hillary Clinton on how she can actually convince Bernie supporters to vote for her:

Defeat the TPP

Right now, Sanders supporters are coalescing on their opposition to the TPP.  They know that Clinton supports it – she manifested her support by blocking any negative references to the TPP from appearing in the Democratic platform – and they will not vote for a President that supports doing away with labor, environmental and human rights protections through the backdoor that the TPP represents.

We all know that the current plan is that Obama will push the TPP through the lame duck session of Congress. If Clinton wants Berners’ votes, she will have to convince all Democratic Senators and Congressmembers that are planning to vote for it and who, coincidentally, are also her superdelegates, to change their positions.

If she doesn’t have the political pull to do this, then there is no reason to believe that she would honor any of the progressive planks in the new Democratic platform. Sanders’ supporters are not stupid.

Swear off militarism

Clinton is a hawk who has supported wars and coups d’etat.  She considers Henry Kissinger – a man who is responsible for committing crimes against humanity – a friend and advisor. She fought to keep a threat to militarily attack Iran in the Democratic platform. To anyone concerned with peace and human rights, the prospects of a Clinton presidency is even scarier than a Trump presidency.

If she wants those votes, she needs to give up on her militaristic impulses and swear off to war and military interventions abroad.

Detangle herself from Wall Street

Berners know that Clinton has made a devil’s bargain with Wall Street: they fill her pockets, she fights for their interests. If she wants Berners’ votes she needs to be willing to break that bargain. First, of course, she will need to acknowledge it and she will need to release the transcripts of her speeches. Then, she’ll need to say that despite their money, she will turn back on them and do what’s best for the American people.

As with TPP, part of the allure of Donald Trump is that he is actually willing to go back on his word and betray anyone he’s made a deal with – while that surely includes voters, Clinton seems to only be willing to betray voters, and keep her word to her big contributors. She needs to change that perception.

Choose a progressive VP

If she chooses Tim Kaine, it’s a nonstarter. A progressive VP will at least give hopes to Berners that there will be someone in the ticket to keep her accountable.

The author, Margarita Lacabe, is a Sanders delegate from California to the Democratic National Convention.

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