Category: The Absurd (Page 7 of 12)

Man sells daughter for meat

The New York Times reports that a California man sold his 14 year old daughter for $16,000 and several cases of meat (among other things). When the groom failed to pay, he went to the police to get her back. He is in jail now under charges of human trafficking, while the groom is facing charges of statutory rape. (More info at
This reminded me of an episode that happened in Egypt many years ago, in which a man sold his son in exchange for a Television.
Funny as all of this is, the issue of child slavery (both sexual and work-wise) is a very serious problem, and one that does not escape the US. Here is one story.

Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber, the best of the Republican party

palincal.jpgAdmit it. You liked Sarah Palin. You always had dirty fantasies about making it with your teacher or librarian, having her take off those ugly glasses, let her hair lose and seduce you….
I think that those librarian fantasies are the main reason why Republican men liked Sarah Palin. Personally, I don’t find her in the least attractive, but to each its own. But, for those who did not get enough of Sarah during the campaign, there is now a classy calendar that they can keep in their kitchen or garage walls. Alas, I’m sorry to say that those famous shots of Sarah Palin in a swimsuit are not part of the calendar. But you can see her with her rifle, suggestively holding the barrel. Classy, very classy.
In other news, Joe the Plumber is now a war correspondent for PJTV, a fox-wannabe website. He’ll be reporting on the attacks on Gaza (or, as they call it, the “Gaza war”) from the safety of Israel. Apparently, PJTV thinks that the American media (you know, that media that gives 2 minutes a day to cover the war, never shows pictures of the devastation that Israel’s bombs cause and basically condone Israel’s grave crimes against humanity and war crimes by not even implying that they may be so) is too slanted against Israel. There is a reason why I categorized this post as “the absurd”.

Woman ordered to remove her bra

A woman entering a federal courthouse in Idaho was ordered to remove her bra, and pass it through the metal detector. She wasn’t even given a place to do it – instead told to go to her car (yeah, because that would be so private, and it’d be so easy for a woman with large breasts to walk back to the court house braless). It is unconscionable to me that such a thing would be done and that the Marshal Service would not even apologize for making her do it. I wish I had their phone number to call them and protest on her behalf. I do hope that she’s able to sue them.
What follows is the story from the

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