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Coronavirus Blackmail Scam

If you ever look through your spam folder, chances are you’ve come across messages from wannabe blackmailers. These usually include some password you’ve used in the past, and than an ominous message threatening all sorts of things if you don’t send them some money in bitcoin or another virtual currency. The blackmailers/scammers usually purchase lists of passwords that have been compromised when some big site was hacked (one reason you should use different passwords for all your accounts). They don’t actually have any dirt on you, they don’t control your computer, and they can’t carry out their threats – indeed, most of them are probably in Nigeria or another scam-central country. So you can safely ignore these e-mails.

In the latest version of this blackmail spam, blackmailers are going all in on coronavirus, threatening it to give it to you and your family if you don’t send them money. I guess it’s a sign of the times.

This is the last e-mail I got from them. What’s funny, is that if they do follow me on social media, they probably are aware of everything they claim (except my passwords). How fun for them!
Mar 20, 2020, 1:03 AM (4 days ago)

 to marga

Ι kηοw every dιrτy lιttle secret αbοuτ your life. Tο ρrove my poιnτ, τell me, dοes "xxxxx" riηg αηy bell το yοu? Iτ was οne οf yοur ρasswοrds.

Whατ dο I kηow abouτ yοu?
Tο sταrτ wiτh, Ι kηοw αll οf your pαsswords. Ι am αwαre οf your whereabοuts, whαt you eat, wιth whοm you tαlκ, every lιtτle τhiηg you do in a day.

Whατ am Ι cαpable of doιng?
If Ι wαητ, I cοuld even infect yοur whοle famιly wιth τhe CοronaVιrus, reνeαl all οf yοur secreτs. There αre cοuητless τhιηgs Ι cαη dο.

Whaτ shοuld yοu dο?
You ηeed το pay me $4000. Yοu'll maκe τhe ρayment vιa Βitcoiη to τhe belοw-mentioηed αddress. Ιf yοu doη't knοw how to dο this, search "how τo buy bitcοin" ιη Goοgle.

Βitcοιη Address:
(Ιτ ιs cAsE seηsitιve, so cορy αηd paste ιτ)

You haνe 24 hοurs το mακe the ραyment. I haνe a unique ριxel wiτhιn thιs emαil messαge, and rιghτ ηow, I knοw thaτ yοu hαve reαd this emαil.

Ιf Ι do not get τhe paymeητ:
I will infect every member οf your fαmily wiτh τhe CοroηαVιrus. Nο mαττer how smαrt yοu are, belieνe me, if Ι wαnτ το αffecτ, Ι cαη. Ι will αlso gο αheαd aηd reveal your secrets. I will comρletely ruin yοur life.

Noηeτheless, if I dο get ρaιd, I will erase eνery liττle iηformaτιon I hαve αbοut you ιmmedιαtely. You wιll ηever hear from me αgαiη. Ιτ ιs α ηοn-ηegοtiable οffer, sο dοn't wαsτe my time and yours by reρlyιng tο thιs emαιl.


Fall of Civilizations Podcast

For those of you who enjoy history and podcasts, I want to recommend “The Fall of Civilizations podcast“. It’s relatively new, and the subjects that it covers are very interesting. So far he’s done Roman England, the Bronze age, Easter Island, the Viking settlements of Greenland, the Khmer empire and the Mayan collapse. I’ve only listened to a couple, but after doing so, I feel fully educated on these subjects – something I don’t get from other History podcasts.

Script for the Fall of Atlantis, Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas

forum shops atlantis jeff green

Every year for what seems like a decade we’ve been going to Vegas in the summer. My husband has a conference and we tag along. And every year we go to the Forum Shops at the Caesar’s Palace and watch The Fall of Atlantis fountain show. It may be 1960s technology and cheesy, but the animatronics are still pretty amazing.

Unfortunately, I’ve never been able to understand the show at all. The sound is really, really, really terrible. Dramatic, sure, but it turns the voices incomprehensible.

For years I’ve looked for a script for the show so I could understand it. I’ve written to Caesar’s asking for it to no avail. Fortunately, this year I found a YouTube recording of the show that has the actual script. The guy who subtitled the show took the trouble to watch recordings of the show carefully and then wrote it down. I’m not sure it’s 100% accurate, but it’s close enough and I’m glad that this year I can watch the show, script on hand, and finally understand it.

Here is the script:

Pay heed to Poseidon, he rules our seas divine.
He shakes the core of olympus.
More rain is his warning.
Honor the gods and all their might
Watch their Magic fill our void, to bless this special night.

Behold this vision. The story of Atlantis will show you the truth.

Atlas, king of Atlantis, has arrived.
Listen to him speak of his city’s ruin.
His kingdom was destroyed by foolish pride.


I once faced a decision, which destroyed my precious land. Our magic crystal, source of our strength, was brutally extinguished. Re-live my story, here in your form. Behold our crystal, powerful and right jewel.

From my children, I must choose a successor. But power has seduce them. I have lost command. They misuse our magic crystal. They destroy our precious land.

Alaia, daughter of water, rules the ocean and the rain.

Gadrius, son of fire, wields the fury of all flames. I call on them now. Alaia, grace us!

Wielding an angry trident, she stabs the tank, coaxing the waves to dance. Her eyes are the color of the sea’s greatest waves. Her head is dusted with gold from the ocean’s floor.


Dear father, I deserve your throne. Choose me! I quench deserts by tickling the sky, I put out fires with a wink of my eye. Come out, you brother, from wherever you hide. Try to survive the wrath of this tide.


Be still, Alaia. Put your childish ways to rest.

Gadrius, my son, come forth now!

Behold Gadrius. His fingers are made of flint. His eyes are the color of flame. His heart burns of ambrosia orange.


Hail father! Choose me to inherit the throne. My fire conquers the darkest night and kisses each day with brilliant light.

Poor, poor sister, your precious ice is melting.


Dear Brother, your force is a weak threat! I have plucked this wave from the earth’s edge. I’m the only one fit to rule this land.


Stop this evil rage! Cease this mad war. I beg you, my children! Destroy no more!


Give in brother, before you fade to nothing.


Poor Alaia, your strength deceives you. My fire angers your water.


Gadrius, Alaia, Stop this madness!


I rip this beam from the sun and lace it with Hade’s breath.


I seize the windstorm and spite you with pelts of sleet


Ha! Your water turns to mist to disguise you perfectly. Surrender! I will smother your sea creatures.


Cease! I will prow your stars!


Titans! Our magic suffers under your brutal attacks! Hear me, children! Cease this madness!

I cannot choose one child above another. Good people of Rome, I put the choice in your hand. Choose the heir to my throne and cease this foolish fight or we’ll find this precious land robbed of day and starrry night.

Gadrius or Alaia. Please, help me choose. Speak up, choir! Riase your voices if Alaia should be queen!


Your votes are useless. Soon you will see this mighty kingdom will belong to me.


Now you vote if Gadrius should be king.


I won’t forget this. If you dare, and I’ll put a tornado from this thin night air! Gadrius, what a pity, it seems they’ve chosen me over you.


Do not deceive yourself. They voted that I should be king.


Oh great Gods! Forgive me! My children poison this kingdom with greed. It is a cold, black day for Atlantis, indeed!. It is too late to halt this evil war, and so the gods shall settle with a storm.


With the cruelest rainstorm this world’s ever seen, I will silence you forevever so that I shall be queen.


Not before you collapse to my fiery steel. I will burn you, Alaia, and they I will be king.

I have come to end this ambitious fight. Now I see the fate on this land. The rest of this earth is my duty to save, so I’m forced to send Atlantis to its watery grave!

The sun and the sea, in one swift beat, shall finish this war with water and heat.

You have witnessed the fall of Atlantis. Remember the vision, learn and take heed.

And here is the subtitled show:

Surprisingly, it’s easier to understand the show by watching a recording than by being there in person. This version has the best audio I’ve found:

Articles worth reading and re-reading

I often come across articles that I later want to share with people but can’t find, so I’ve decided to start posting them here so I know where to look.  I expect the list will get long. I’ll bold the most important ones.

Articles I want to read

The Supermanegerial Reich

Articles I’ve read and liked

National Politics

Russiagate is a Ruling Class Diversion
A very good analysis of what the real class/policy divisions are in this country, from an African-American perspective.

I Went Undercover In The Alt-Right
Video. Worth watching.

How Half Of America Lost Its F**king Mind
A great explanation of America’s urban-rural divide written before the 2016 election. I keep re-reading it.  Other stuff by David Wong is also good.


Paul Ehrlich: ‘Collapse of civilisation is a near certainty within decades’
Interview with the author of The Population Bomb, and my husband’s former professor at Cal.


The Curious Case of the Backchannel Notebook: An Oakland City Council Mystery
Lobbyist’s notes left behind

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