Today Mike was late on taking Camila to daycare, which gave us some extra time for mommy-Camila time. We used it working on the Orb Factory Sticky Mosaics Jewelry Box
, which I got Camila for Christmas. All in all, it’s been one of the best toys I’ve gotten her. For some reason, she loves sticking the mosaics (they are self-adhesive) on the little numbered squares on the box, and seeing the bright images appear. This is a task that she takes on (with mommy along) for a while, then she puts away, only to take it on again a few weeks later. Thus, it’s four months after Christmas and she still hasn’t finished it. But that’s cool, as it means she still has more to do when it fancies her.
The results are quite nice. We only have one side to go (and probably not enough tiles, as they’ve gotten lost all over the house in the last months), but the sides that are ready are quite pretty. I think Camila is looking forward to using it as a jewelry box in the future (for all the jewelry mommy makes her and she never wears).
I’m thinking that I’ll probably get her the fairy mosaic box, from the same company, next Christmas.
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