An Invitation to the Presidential Inauguration – Not!

inaugurationLast month my husband, a member of our local School Board, got a thick envelope on the mail purportedly from the White House.  Inside, there was a crisp invitation to Barack Obama’s inauguration.  Or so it seemed.  I was a bit suspicious, I must admit.  The previous month he’d gotten a lovely Christmas card purportedly from the President – but actually paid for by the Democratic National Committee.   It has a cute picture of their dog in the snow in front of the White House.    It seemed to be black and white, but maybe that’s how things look when it’s snowing.

In any case, upon further digging inside the envelope I found out that this was not a ticket to the inauguration, but a commemorative invitation.  I’m not sure why he would actually want to commemorate not being invited to the inauguration, but perhaps teasing people is a good way to fleece them as well.  Along with the commemorative invitation there was a catalog of  “collectibles” to help you remember this not-so-historic day.  For $50 you can get your own Second Inauguration bronze medallion with a profile of Obama and Biden, or spend $400 and get a panoramic photo of the President taking the oath of office.  That’s too much for you? Well, for a mere $25 you can get your own coffee mug with the gold Inaugural seal.  And while your commemorative invitation wouldn’t actually let you into the event, your friends don’t need to know that.  For just $50 you can get a custom-size frame for it with the signature of Obama and Biden.  Won’t that make everyone jealous?

And people accused Clinton of being greedy.


1 Comment

  1. Patti

    I am a consumer producer at NBC in Washington, DC. We are looking for examples to warn folks about fake inauguration invitations and stumbled across your message from 2013.
    Any chance you still have the “commemorative invite”. Would your husband be willing to be interviewed about the misleading mailing? If so, please email me at

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