Author: marga (Page 12 of 158)

A Little Secret: Shoplifters Can Ignore Exit Alarms

but they debase honest shoppers as well as our freedom

I’ve been doing quite a bit of reading on shoplifting ever since my Assemblywoman, Mary Hayashi, was arrested and then convicted for stealing over $2,445  in merchandize from Neiman Marcus.  I wanted to understand what made her do it, and at some point I will write about it.

But in researching shoplifting techniques, I found quite a few threads about the electronic/magnetic anti-theft tags that are now put on products of all kinds, from books to electronics (though items of clothing use a different kind).  There are actually several types of these, some hidden within the products.   They are made so that they will be detected by sensors near the exit, which will be if the tag is activated.   When you purchase the product, the checker deactivates it to avoid the beeping.  Shoplifters, as you can expect, try to remove these tags and avoid the beep.  They shouldn’t bother.

The problem with these systems is that they are not sophisticated.  They are often, if not always, calibrated in a way that is not exclusive to the tags used by a given store – so they will be beep if you pass the sensors with an active tag from a product that you bought elsewhere.  Moreover, the deactivation process doesn’t always work, so the sensors may beep when you go by with a product you have actually purchased.  Stores know this, and while they may request patrons to stop (though this is rare), they won’t force the issue.  What generally happens is that the honest shoppers (and inexperienced shoplifters) will stop to have their bags searched.

It may be that these devices deter shoplifting by incompetent shoplifters (which may be a good thing if it stops potential shoplifters from trying it in the first place), but they also present an inconvenience to shoppers.  For one, the implication is that all shoppers may be shoplifters, a “guilty until proven innocent” philosophy which is both baseless and dangerous in what should be a free society.  For another, it embarrasses honest shoppers publicly, as many people do interpret the “beep” as evidence of shoplifting.  Moreover, it makes shoppers waste time.  Needless to say, I disapprove of these devices just as much as of having “greeters” demand to see your receipt and bags when you exit a store.  I’m writing this article to let you know that you too, my honest reader, can just ignore them.

I have a friend that has the same philosophy but is a little more daring than I.  He took one of these devices that had not been deactivated and placed it in his wallet.  Pretty much every time he goes into and out of a store the device makes the sensors beep.  Sometimes he getslooks from the sellers or guards, but never once has he been stopped.  Stopping him, after all, might make the store liable for a claim of false imprisonment.  While stores have a “merchant privilege” of stopping you if they have a “reasonable suspicion” that you have stolen something, the sensors have too many false-positives to make any suspicion reasonable.

There is actually a protocol that merchants should follow to support actual arrests and convictions for shoplifting and avoid false arrest charges.  Neiman Marcus loss prevention agents followed this protocol to the letter when they detained Mary Hayashi.  As there was no question that she had shoplifted, she plead guilty to a misdemeanor to avoid a felony conviction.  She got a slap on the wrist for doing it, though, and she still may be able to salvage her political career: she’s currently running for Alameda County Supervisor.


Oro Gold Cosmetics Scam

One of my goals during my recent vacation to Las Vegas was to attend a timeshare presentation.  Somehow, during all my years on this earth, I’ve avoided being to one – and yet I’m extremely curious to experience firsthand the extremely oppressive sales tactics I’ve read about.  Alas, even though we stayed at the Tahiti Village resort for several days, I didn’t have the opportunity to do it.

Walking by the Oro Gold cosmetics store at the Rio Hotel was almost as good – I got to experience the high pressure sales tactics and, as I was waiting for my husband to finish with something, not really waste time at all.  And lord, are those sales tactics hard.

It all started when I walked by the Oro Gold store.  A metrosexual looking guy with a hard Israeli accent stopped me to offer me a sample.  He then somehow engaged me – I forget exactly what he said – and brought me into the store.  He had me sit down and he proceeded to apply some sort of eye cream under my eyes.  The eye cream was supposed to be for wrinkles, but I guess I didn’t have enough for him to fuzz about, so instead he talked about collagen and puffiness and so forth.  My eyes were pretty puffy, I must admit, as I’d only gotten a few hours of sleep the night before and before I left that morning I’d gotten some sunscreen into my eye, so my eyes had been watering for half an hour.

The cream worked.  After I used it my eyes were less puffy and looked better – or at least that’s what my daughters and my husband said.  The latter never notices anything, so the difference must have been noticeable.  That said, this is supposed to be a cream to use once a week, so I’m not sure why immediate concealing effects would be relevant.

He also asked me how old I was – I imagine meaning to tell me that this product would make me look younger.  And while I think I look exactly my age, he may have thought I looked younger as he was pretty much silent when I said I was 43.

I guess I didn’t look convinced enough so he moved on to the next product, an exfoliating solution which he put on my underarm and then rubbed off taking a lot of my dead skin with it.  Once again I had to admit that it worked, my arm was much softer and, actually, I think it still is.  So he’s probably right that I need to exfoliate.

Then the sale pressure started.  He asked me if I liked them or I loved them, and I didn’t know how to respond as I was pretty indifferent to the products.  He also kept extolling the fact that they were 100% organic, but looking at the ingredients which included various chemicals, I didn’t think that could be the case.  He hurried to move on with his spiel to stop me from looking carefully.

And then the sales tactics started.  I knew the products would be expensive so I wasn’t surprised when he threw figures in the hundreds of dollars.  He kept making different combinations of products and offering them to me at different prices (all in the hundreds), throwing extras, etc.  I told him they were good, but I didn’t have my credit card so I couldn’t buy them.  Still, he went on to show me on the computer how much they sold for so I’d see what a bargain they were.  Of course, I didn’t believe for a second that those were the real prices.

I told him several times that I’d think about it and then come back.  Finally he accepted I wasn’t buying and he sarcastically said “you’ll think about it” and pushed me (I don’t think literally, but it felt like it) out of the store.

I have to say that I totally understand how people succumb to these sale practices.  Even though I wasn’t really interested in the products, and I knew this was a scam, after he had done something for me (spend time, made one eye look better), it was hard to say “no”.  Indeed, I was happy I didn’t have my credit card with me as there was no way I could say “yes” even if I wanted to.

After I came home I read about Oro Gold and found that the products get high ratings on, but they also are sold for much less money (update, Oro Gold seems to have managed to get Amazon to pull lower-priced Oro Gold products, you still can save by buying on e-bay, there is no indication that anyone is actually making forgeries of the product).  I’m never going to spend $75 on a 2 oz Collagen Renewal Cream, but it’s still better than the $248 it sells for on their website or whatever amount it sells for at their stores.  I also read about the high-pressure sales tactics at other stores, and the fact that sales associates tell customers they can return the products within 14 days, but the receipts are stamped to say “no returns”.  Given that you don’t get a receipt until /after/ you’ve made the purchase, that is very deceitful (and probably unenforceable, but really, who is going to sue?).

My advise would be to not buy Oro Gold cosmetics.  Even if they work well, a company that intimidates customers and lies to them should not be rewarded.  I’m sure there are many very good cosmetics out there.  I’ve been using Avon Anew series and they’re much cheaper and I think quite good.

Dec. 4, 2012. Update.

I’ve done some more looking into Oro Gold Cosmetics, and it appears to be an offshoot (perhaps even a shell company) of the “Dead Sea Cosmetics” businesses that have been under investigation by the US and other governments, as revealed by a cable from the American Embassy in Tel Aviv released by Wikileaks.

These companies recruit young Israelis who have just finished their military service.  They send them to America (and other countries) on tourist visas, put them up in apartments (for which they charge room and board) and set them to work on their stores and kiosks on a commission basis.   I think this explains why the sales people are so aggressive and manipulative, and so willing to lie to customers.  After a few months, the employees go back to Israel.

In addition to scamming consumers and exploiting workers, these companies seem to also be involved in organized crime, including drug trafficking and money laundering.

Here is an interesting article about how these kiosks work in England.

But it gets even more interesting than that.  I decided to take a look at the ingredients for the peeling product that the salesman had applied to me.  While I couldn’t find the ingredient list at the Oro Gold website, others listed water and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as the two main ingredients.  It’s been a long time since High School chemistry, but Wikipedia was helpful enough to explain that PVA is used mostly for its film-forming and adhesive qualities.  In other words, it’s a glue.  A quick search for PVA and glue, quickly confirmed that PVA is the main ingredient in household glue.

Do you remember what happens when you get some glue on your skin and let it dry?  Come on, give it a try and then rub it off!  Yep, the glue you rub off looks very much like skin and your actual skin feels much smoother and softer.    Their $100 peeling gel is just a trick.

It would appear that Oro Gold is not just literally scummy, but also scammy.

Dec. 15th update

I found a New York Times article about the lack of benefits of gold in cosmetics. It’s worth a read.

Also, apparently the Oro Gold peel does not contain PVA (or does no longer – see comments below).  Instead it contains carboner, a thickener, which when combined with cetrimonium chloride and rubbed on the skin, forms white beads.   The colorant in the product (which is not present in other Oro Gold products) is probably meant to make these look like skin.  This combination does help remove dead skin, but then again, so does glue.

Jan. 22 update

Last week I had a long phone conversation with Judy White, the Costumer Service Manager with Mazal Enterprises, the company behind OroGold.  This is what I learned from the conversation:

– Mazal Enterprises is the manufacturer and distributor of a number of different beauty lines, including OroGold, HerStyler, VineVera, Lionesse and Vivo Per Lei among others.

– They are a private, family-owned company and they are not related to Death Sea Cosmetics or another company.

– They have both company-owned stores and licensee stores.  I think she said there were 200 stores world wide, but she couldn’t tell me which proportion was each or which companies were running stores with the Oro Gold name.  She did say that their licensees agree to only do business with their company.   But not knowing who the licensees are, it’s impossible to know if they might be the same people connected with the “Dead Sea cosmetic mafia”, to give it a name 🙂

– She blamed all the bad customer service to licensees who were not doing their job correctly  She says they have been closing down kiosks (which she claims have never been operated by Mazel) as well as OroGold stores that have caused problems.   She said all stores in Vegas have been closed down.

– She said they don’t have any stores in the Philippines.  If there is a store there, they don’t know about it.

– She says they are trying hard to deal with the customer service problems in the company by making all their stores company-run.  But she claimed that took time.

– She says that she will be happy to send a refund to anyone who contacts her.  Her e-mail is

Unfortunately, there were other things she couldn’t explain:

– How is it that OroGold sales people throughout the world use the exact same selling techniques, and how come those techniques are the same ones used by Dead Sea Cosmetics and other companies.  She tried to argue that it had to do with individual sales people getting over enthusiastic, but couldn’t explain why they would all say the same things, show the same products, down to the same trick of folding the receipt so people can’t tell the products cannot be returned.

– She couldn’t explain why so many people throughout the world have reported that OroGold sales people are Israeli (or otherwise have an accent that might indicate that they’re from Israel).

– She couldn’t explain /why/ the chain had a “no returns” policy on unopened products.   She brought up having bought some make up at Nordstroms – I imagine to make the point that she wouldn’t be able to return it – and was surprised when I told her Nordstroms would be more than happy to take it back.

As Judy kept emphasizing that the company wanted to change its image, but that would take time, I mentioned that they could eliminate most complaints if they accepted returns on unopened products (she says they will take back open products if they cause an allergic reaction).  After all, the biggest complaints are that people feel ripped off.  Accept returns and that goes away.  She seemed to get the idea and said she’d bring up to her superiors.  Personally, I think that the whole hard sale/overprice/lying/no-refunds method is the intentional modus operandi of Mazal, but she genuinely seemed to be unaware of that.  Meanwhile, however, if you want a refund do e-mail her (and then let me know if you’ve gotten it).

May 2013 update

Despite Judy’s promises, as detailed above, comments below indicate that she has not been responsive to e-mails and has not offered refunds to those who’ve gotten a hold of her on the phone.  She has not responded to my own e-mail either.

Clearly, Judy’s phone calls were just an attempt to damage control – but a half-hearted one.  Perhaps she thought that sending me $500 worth of products (which equaled all of 3) would buy me off.  If so, no such luck for her.  Most likely, she wasn’t “in” on the scam – she probably honestly thought the company was trying to re-invent itself.  She did sound very naive on the phone.  You can continue writing to her, and if you do succeed in getting a refund by all means comment and say so, but don’t keep your hopes up.

If you’ve been scammed out of a lot of money by Oro Gold, this is what I suggest you do (again, no guarantees).

– Many local TV channels have consumer reporters.  Contact all the TV channels in your area (if you live somewhat near to the Oro Gold store) and ask the reporters to cover the story.  I, personally, think it would make great TV.

– If the Oro Gold store you shopped at is in a large city, check if there is a consumers’ affairs department at City Hall, a deputy City Attorney that handles consumer issues or a people’s ombudsman.  If so, ask them for help.   If that’s not available to you, check to see if there is a national consumers’ office (sometimes it’s part of the national ombudsman or national human rights commission) or contact your City Council or state representatives.  Also contact your national and state’s attorney general.

– If neither option helps, perhaps a little self-help will.  Write a story about your experiences and submit it to your local paper.  The freebies, in particular, appreciate free content.  If there is an AOL Patch in your city or a blog that covers news, submit it there as well.

– “Like” and “share” this blog post on Facebook and Twitter.  The more attention they get for their slimy sales tactics, the more likely they are to stop.  Or at least give you a refund.

– Check what the laws are regarding product returns in your state or country. They do vary.   In California, where I live, for example, if products are not returnable, the retailer has to place a conspicuous sign explaining that.   Oro Gold is trying to get around this by claiming that their products cannot be resold due to health considerations, but I personally don’t buy it, in particular if the product is still shrink wrapped.   If your state or country has a similar law, you may want to go to the store at a time when the original salesperson is not present, or send someone over, and take pictures of any area where a “no returns sign” could be placed.  This is because some people have claimed that when they complain, suddenly a “no return sign” appears out of nowhere.  If they have violated this law, you could at least take them to small claims court (if available in your jurisdiction).  Or you can just the photos to illustrate your story.

– Also check what the audio recording laws are in your state or country.  In some places, you only need the consent of one party for a face-to-face recording.  If that’s the case where where you shop, you may want to send a friend with a hidden recording device (e.g. a cell phone) so that you can get the whole “Oro Gold” treatment on video/audio.  Make sure that your friend asks them whether the products are returnable.  It’s often a game of “she says, he says” with Oro Gold.  Assuming it’s legal in your state to do it, you can upload the video to YouTube.  Definitely let me know about that if you do it.

Save Money with Paypal Shipping

I’ve been auctioning off some stuff I’ve found around the house while cleaning, which means I’ve had to research what’s the cheapest way of shipping things.  It turns out to be through Pay Pal.

If you go to their not-so-secret URL, you can enter your shipping information, pay for shipping and print labels to attach to your packages – which you can then hand off to the Postman as if you were using stamps.

What’s surprising is that it’s /cheaper/ than using stamps PLUS you get tracking for free!  Mailing an 8oz package with stamps costs $2.80 plus 75c for delivery confirmation.  Sending it through Pay Pal is only $2.48!  If you send one package, you may only save yourself a dollar – but it could add up if you send many.

Their special prices seem to apply to services other than first-class mail, I noted that their media rates are cheaper as well.

You do have to have a Pay Pal account (I’d cancelled mine after the Wiki Leaks incident, but I had to re-open it).


Facebooks How To’s

There are often things I want to do on Facebook that FB tries to stop users from doing.  Fortunately there are people out there trying to best them, and I’ll be posting here some of the things I’ve tried to do, and what worked.  Note that FB changes its site frequently, so tricks stop working from time to time.


Regularly, Facebook forces you to click next to the name of the friend you want to invite to an event.  You can force your browser to click on all the names by using the javascript below.  Note that it didn’t work for me using Firefox (it said something about FB disabling it to keep social engineering away), but it did work perfectly in Opera.

This is what you do:

– Go the page of the event you want to invite people to

– Click on “Invite Friends” on the top right-side of the window

– A pop up window opens up with the pictures/names of your friends. This window only displays a few friends at a time.  Scroll down to add more.  Continue scrolling until all your friends are shown.

– Copy this script:

javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName(“checkableitems[]”);for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type=”checkbox” )elms[i].click()};

– Paste it in the url bar (replacing the url of the page you are in).

– Click “enter”

– Wait until the squares by the pictures of all your friends are clicked (it can take a few minutes, depending on how many friends you have) and then press “submit”.


You are done!

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