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Save Money with Paypal Shipping

I’ve been auctioning off some stuff I’ve found around the house while cleaning, which means I’ve had to research what’s the cheapest way of shipping things.  It turns out to be through Pay Pal.

If you go to their not-so-secret URL, you can enter your shipping information, pay for shipping and print labels to attach to your packages – which you can then hand off to the Postman as if you were using stamps.

What’s surprising is that it’s /cheaper/ than using stamps PLUS you get tracking for free!  Mailing an 8oz package with stamps costs $2.80 plus 75c for delivery confirmation.  Sending it through Pay Pal is only $2.48!  If you send one package, you may only save yourself a dollar – but it could add up if you send many.

Their special prices seem to apply to services other than first-class mail, I noted that their media rates are cheaper as well.

You do have to have a Pay Pal account (I’d cancelled mine after the Wiki Leaks incident, but I had to re-open it).


Facebooks How To’s

There are often things I want to do on Facebook that FB tries to stop users from doing.  Fortunately there are people out there trying to best them, and I’ll be posting here some of the things I’ve tried to do, and what worked.  Note that FB changes its site frequently, so tricks stop working from time to time.


Regularly, Facebook forces you to click next to the name of the friend you want to invite to an event.  You can force your browser to click on all the names by using the javascript below.  Note that it didn’t work for me using Firefox (it said something about FB disabling it to keep social engineering away), but it did work perfectly in Opera.

This is what you do:

– Go the page of the event you want to invite people to

– Click on “Invite Friends” on the top right-side of the window

– A pop up window opens up with the pictures/names of your friends. This window only displays a few friends at a time.  Scroll down to add more.  Continue scrolling until all your friends are shown.

– Copy this script:

javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName(“checkableitems[]”);for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type=”checkbox” )elms[i].click()};

– Paste it in the url bar (replacing the url of the page you are in).

– Click “enter”

– Wait until the squares by the pictures of all your friends are clicked (it can take a few minutes, depending on how many friends you have) and then press “submit”.


You are done!

Internet Puppy Scam

We’ve been talking about getting a dog for a while.  We figured we’d wait until the kids were a bit older and, all of sudden, we realized that they were already older (7 and 10) and that if we didn’t get a dog soon they’d go much of their childhood without one.  Camila, in particular, has been asking for a dog for a LONG time.  Last year I promised her I’d get her one if she didn’t whine until the summer.  She actually managed to do that (though I had to remind her each time).  The weekend before last, for some reason Mike told her that we could get a dog now – so I started looking.

The kids didn’t care too much about what type of dog we got, but I was pretty adamant that it had to be cute.  For me, that meant no mutts (let’s be honest, most of them are ugly), no hounds or other skinny dogs and no small dogs – they are just too precious.  Going through the breeds of dogs that I could actually find around here, I ended up deciding it had to be a Goldern or Labrador retriever, a German or Australian Shepherd, a Siberian Husky or a Border collie.  I had originally wanted a grown dog – so I wouldn’t have to house train it – but Mike wanted a puppy or a young dog, so that’s what I started to look for.

I first started looking on Petfinder, a wonderful website that lists adoptable pets from shelters and rescue groups throughout the country (and more important, the Bay Area).  But I quickly realized my chances of finding a dog with those characteristic were minimal.  Plus the rescue groups, in particular, have pretty onerous adoption processes that include “thorough” questionnaires and home visits, I definitely didn’t want to bother with that.  Plus adoption “donations” for these groups can be as high as $250!

My next place to look was Craigslist.  Some shelters advertise here, but there are also ads from people re-homing their dogs and selling puppies.  Now, Craigslist doesn’t allow people to actually sell dogs but they allow “small” re-homing fees, but what constitutes “small” seems open to interpretation.  Anyway, most of the puppies we called about seemed to be in the $150 to $400 range.  Unfortunately, Craigslist didn’t have any puppies I wanted when I looked, though they do add new ones daily.

By searching around the net, I then came across oodle marketplace, an online classified website.  Here I found lots of listings for puppies at very reasonable prices (about $200-300).  I hurried to e-mail the owners, asking for more information on the puppies as well as pictures.  Almost immediately the replies started coming.  I wrote to seven people, and got five replies back.  All of those were SCAMS.  I’m copying the responses below though they are pretty much the same:

  1. They are all written in bad English (typical of Nigerian scams)
  2. They all offer say their puppies are AKC registered, yet the puppies are free or too cheap
  3. The puppies all come with equipment, guarantees or other things that cost money
  4. They claim that what they most care about is a good home for the puppies and send a long questionnaire.

As I’m a big fan of reading scam baiter e-mail threads (and I have to recommend them to you, the baits are soo funny though sometimes really cruel), I could tell from the first e-mail that it was a scam.  A quick google search for the e-mail address led me to many ads offering all sorts of puppies for sale, in many cities.  But how did the scam work?

Another quick search leads to the answer:  the scammer tells you that she’s no longer in your city but she’ll be more than happy to mail you the puppy.  All you have to do is pay for the shipping (or a low price that includes shipping), directly to the shipping company.  The shipping company they’ll use is a fake and requires payment by Western Union or Moneygram (which will be untraceable to them once they receive it).

Personally, I don’t know why anyone would buy a puppy sight unseen (even from a reputable breeder) but these scams must work because they continue doing them.

Oh, well.  At least scam baiters are having fun with these scams, this one is hilarious.  And as for me, I went back to Craigslist and got a gorgeous German Shepherd puppy from a private party for a very reasonable price.

Continue reading

Easy Doggy Shampoo – Recipe

We have finally gotten a puppy!  A beautiful 8-week old (well, pretty much 9-week old by now) German Shepperd girl dog (it just doesn’t sound right to call her bitch) that we’re calling Smokey.  This pre-bath picture does not do her justice, but you’ll have to wait until I get more.

I’m sure I’ll blog a LOT about her, but this particular posting is about doggy shampoo!  Of course, we have a dog so the kids want to give her a bath.  A few months ago, when I suspected one day we’d get a dog but didn’t know when, I got a Scientific Explorer Pamper Your Dog Science Kit at the flea market for $2.  One of the activities in this kit is making doggy shampoo so you can give your doggy a bath.  Well, we made the shampoo and we could not believe just how soft and fluffy Smokey is.  I have *never* petted a softer dog or puppy in my life.  She smells great too!  I did a quick search and found out that glycerine soap, the main ingredient in this shampoo, is actually good for dogs’ coats.  It’s also cheap and easy to find.

This basic recipe is good enough as it is – but you can also add a couple of drops of the essential oil of your choice to make the puppy smell extra-nice (or get a perfumed glycerine soap).  Lavender essential oil smells nice and works against ticks, while white cedar, peppermint, eucalyptus and citronella essential oils may help with fleas.  Use any natural (non-mineral) oil you have at home.

Doggy Shampoo

  • 1 oz bar glycerin soap
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 Tbsp. vegetable oil

Chop/cut the soap into chunks.  Put it in a microwave-safe glass together with the water and the oil.  Microwave for 30 seconds, mix well, and, if the soap is not yet melted, microwave for 15 to 30 seconds more.  Let cool

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